1. Harmonisation of sequencing methods for sequence based typing of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and capacity building for DNA sequencing in diagnostic microbiology
- Creation and distribution of a consensus document detailing the needed harmonisation of sequencing technology in diagnostic microbiology
- Production of a document (SOP) by the group detailing the needed internal quality control procedures for sequence based typing of MRSAs.
2. QC/QA for DNA sequencing (external quality control scheme)
- Certification for sequence based typing of MRSAs
- Production of a document by the group detailing the needed annual proficiency tests and future certification procedures (i.e., external quality control procedures) for sequence based typing of MRSAs
- Participation in an annual proficiency testing for sequence based typing of MRSAs by the partners
3. Improving the access to sequence based microbial typing results and the transfer of data at international level
- Development of a SeqNet.org WWW-portal and discussion mailing list
- Networking of the partners by the Ridom StaphType software
4. Disseminating the project results
- Preparation of a poster for the next ECCMID general meeting in Nice in order to inform the interested microbiology community about the objectives of the SeqNet.org initiative
- Submission of SeqNet.org results for publication in peer-reviewed open-access journals.
- Fund raising and co-operations with other networks and institutions.
Online Results of the Staphylococcus Reference Laboratory Initiative [New]
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