04.03. –
Medical Microbial Genomics Centre
Workshop ‘Rapid NGS for Public Health Microbiology’ in Münster
Linksymbol [Workshop]

Registration and information:
Workshop places are limited. Therefore, please register before 21st of January 2013. To do so, fill in the registration form (at the end of this document), sign it, and fax it to the following number: +49-(0)251-83 47134
10/2012 Dutch-Chinese sequence based typing workshop

Within a collaboration established 5 years ago between the Dutch VWS and the Chinese Ministery of Health, the Chinese CDC and the Department of Medical Microbiology (MMB) of the University of Groningen/UMCG performed a workshop on Sequenced based typing at the China CDC in Beijing on 21 to 24th of October 2012.

MMB collaborates with China CDC - 1st Dutch-Chinese Sequence-typing workshop

Prof. Grundmann and Prof. Friedrich, together with researchers from the department gave input in theoretical background of using sequenced-based typing for the molecular epidemiology of MRSA and peformed a laboratory workshop on sequenced-based typing (spa typing).
Results and expertise from the international SeqNet.org initiative which is coordinated by MMB in Groningen was used.
Around 100 participants from the China CDC, the university of Beijing and Public health laboratories of the different Chinese Provinces attended the meeting.
The major goal was building up capacity for sequenced-based typing, in order to collaborate and do research within the SeqNet.org network and setting up a Sequencing-network in China and in Groningen using today spa-typing and tomorrow next-generation sequencing.

10/2011 International spa Typing workshop Linksymbol [Workshop]
29.09. - 02.10.2008 Sophia, Bulgaria: Seminar and laboratory workshop on Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Linksymbol [Link]
Juni 2007 spa workshop at University of Zagreb, Croatia
25.-27.4.2007 SeqNet.org Meeting, Rhodes, Greece Linksymbol [Final Program]
09.-10.03.2007 2nd EARSS/SeqNet.org WORKSHOP
RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands Linksymbol [Final Program]
01.-04.10.2006 Presentation of the project development at DGHM, Würzburg, Germany
17.-19.9.2006 Presentation of the Project at the Arab Health Congress "Patient safety", Dubai, United Arab Emirates
04.09.2006 SeqNet.org Advisory Board meeting, Maastricht, The Netherlands
02.-06.09.2006 spa workshop at ISSSI, Maastricht, The Netherlands
25.11.2005 SeqNet.org and its molecular typing approach is part of the new initiatives of the European Antimicrobial Surveillance Sytem (EARSS) Linksymbol [Link PDF-File]
24.11.2005 SeqNet.org presentation and decision on a common EARSS/SeqNet.org study, EARSS plenary meeting November, 2005 in Rome, Italy
15.05.2005 Presentation of the SeqNet.org initiative at the Greek National Medical Congress MedNet Hellas, Athens, Greece
Linksymbol [http://www.mednet.gr/epis/epis31-14.htm]